Originally Recorded 2021.03.18
Piezoelectric sensor technology in pressure, force and acceleration is regularly used to advance Aerospace Measurements: The purpose of the lecture is to review PE technology and the principal of operations for both quasi-static and dynamic measurements. Practical considerations such as installation, mounting and checkout are integral to getting the most out of the sensor in conjunction with signal conditioning and DAQ. Applications including Space Environmental Test, Exported Force and Moment testing as well Propulsion System Test will be addressed. We will also provide a features and benefits summary of PE technology and testing and why it achieves the application requirements.
Bill Zwolinski
Bill has a M.Sc.EE from the University of Connecticut specializing in Signal Processing and Controls. He worked over 15 years in Research, Development, Test and Evaluation including Underwater Acoustics for the Navy Laboratory as well as Chief Engineer for Navy Carrier Landing Systems at Textron. Bill also has MBA’s from the University of Phoenix specializing in Technology Management and Marketing and has held positions as general manager, product manager and sales manager at Kistler. Currently, Bill is the Business Development and Application Manager at Kistler for the America’s and is heavily involved with helping engineers solve their measurement problems.
Kistler is the global leader providing modular solutions in dynamic measurement technology for pressure, force, torque and acceleration applications. The company made several major innovations, some of which would be put to use in the Apollo manned spaceflights, and became a world leader in the development of quartz sensors.