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Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute

Institut aéronautique et spatial du Canada

CASI Ottawa | President's Tour: What Does an Accessible Aerospace Sector look like in Canada?

  • March 12, 2025
  • 17:45 - 20:00
  • Ottawa University, Room A707, Colonel By Building, 161 Louis Pasteur/770 King Edward
  • 90


  • CMAS Member # required
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CASI Ottawa Branch | President's Tour

What Does an Accessible Aerospace Sector look like in Canada?

March 12, 2025 | 17:45 - 20:00

A CASI In-person Event

Jointly sponsored by the

Carleton University Faculty of Engineering and Design and CMAS

Guest Speaker:

Dr. Philip A. Ferguson | Director, STARLab / DroneZone,

President, Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute (CASI)
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Price Faculty of Engineering, University of Manitoba


Omer Majeed | CASI Ottawa

Catherine Mavriplis | Professor, Carleton University


Ottawa University Room A707, Colonel By Building

161 Louis Pasteur/770 King Edward


Pay Parking is available across the street in the Mann parking garage or free parking on the neighbouring streets (Watch the signs carefully)

Campus Map

Meeting Details:

5:45- 6:15 PM | Meet and Greet and light refreshments
6:15- 7:30 PM | Talk and Discussion

Speaker Bio:

Dr. Ferguson is currently the President the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute. He is the Director of the Space Technology and Advanced Research Laboratory at the University of Manitoba, and the NSERC / Magellan Aerospace Industrial Research Chair in Satellite Engineering. His industrial experience stems from engineering and management positions with PrecsionHawk, Magellan Aerospace, Microstat Systems, MacDonald Dettwiller, SPAR and Microsoft. He is a graduate of U of T Engineering Science Aerospace, and MIT. See https://umstarlab.ca

Registration Fees:

CASI or CMAS Members | Complimentary

Non-Members | $15.00

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