ASTRO 2024 Registration Terms & Conditions
Registration fees are subject to applicable taxes upon check-out.

CASI Members
- Your CASI Membership will be validated during the online registration process
CASI Senior Members
- Your CASI Membership will be validated during the online registration process
- You must be 65 years old and over, or 55 years old and over AND fully retired
CASI Student Members
- Your CASI Junior Membership will be validated during the online registration process

CASI Members, Non-Members and Senior Registrants
Included with your
Full Registration:
- Daily coffee breaks, Lunch and the Welcome Reception (Tuesday), Lunch and the Gala Awards Dinner (Wednesday) and the Turnbull Lecture Luncheon (Thursday)
Junior/Student Registrants
Included with your Junior/Student Registration:
- Daily coffee breaks, Lunch and the Welcome Reception (Tuesday), Lunch (Wednesday) and the Turnbull Lecture Luncheon (Thursday)
- Tickets for the Gala Awards Dinner may be purchased separately.
- Talent Meets Market Breakfast – A limited number of tickets are available for purchase by Junior/Student registrants only. The ASTRO 2024 Program Committee will invite senior space sector professionals to attend. This ensures a balanced number of professionals to student participants for this unique and rewarding event.

Included with each of the complimentary registrations at your Sponsorship level:
- Daily coffee breaks, Lunch and the Welcome Reception (Tuesday), Lunch and the Gala Awards Dinner (Wednesday) and the Turnbull Lecture Luncheon (Thursday)
Included with the complimentary registration that accompanies your paid Exhibit space:
- Daily coffee breaks, Lunch and the Welcome Reception (Tuesday), Lunch and the Gala Awards Dinner (Wednesday) and the Turnbull Lecture Luncheon (Thursday)
Included on the day(s) on which you are volunteering:
- Coffee breaks, Lunch and the Welcome Reception (Tuesday), Lunch (Wednesday) and the Turnbull Lecture Luncheon (Thursday)

- Registration fees are subject to applicable taxes upon check-out
- Receipts are issued via e-mail upon payment
Transfer, Cancellation and Refund Policy
- Registrations are transferable with the express written consent of the original registrant
- Up to and including Saturday July 27, a full refund (less a $50.00 administration fee) will be issued upon request
- On or after Saturday August 17, no refunds will be issued
- If you fail to attend the conference and did not cancel your registration on or before Saturday August 17, no refund will be issued

Special Considerations/Dietary Concerns
- Special needs or concerns regarding location accessibility, dietary restrictions etc. may be addressed during the online registration process
- Food sensitivities MUST be communicated to your server at the beginning of the meal. Procedures will be followed that are designed to ensure your safety
- Please be sure to advise us of any such concerns during onsite check-in