Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute Institut aéronautique et spatial du Canada |
CASI Student Members are invited to volunteer at AERO 2023 in exchange for complimentary registration*. While all Student Registrants may be considered, CASI Student Members do get first choice.
In order to qualify for complimentary registration, you must volunteer at least 15 hours.
Your duties may include the following tasks:
Session Assignments
A volunteer needs to be assigned to each Session, which may consist of upto 5 presentations. Volunteers will ideally arrive to their session 10 minutes in advance to setup their assigned laptop, load presentations, etc., and will be expected to remain in that session until all presentations are over. Remember - you are responsible for collecting all the equipment you signed-out for that session!
I want to Volunteer at AERO 2023 | CLOSED
* Your complimentary Volunteer Registration does not include meals. Meal Tickets may be purchased separately during registration.