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Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute

Institut aéronautique et spatial du Canada

CASI Governance

CASI Headquarters Staff

Executive Director | Geoffrey Languedoc, AFCASI

General Manager | Todd Legault, AMCASI

CASI Presidents

President | Dr. Philip Ferguson, MCASI

Vice President | Dr. Michael Benner, MCASI

Past President | Col. Allen Conrad, AFCASI

Branch Executives

 Branch  Councillor
Ottawa  Mr. Jeff Bird, MCASI
Montréal  OPEN
Toronto  OPEN
Western Canada Region OPEN
Student Branches


CASI Section Heads

 Sections  Chair 

 Mr. François Bisson, MCASI

Aerospace Manufacturing Technologies

 Mr. Bruno Monsarrat, MCASI

Aerospace Structures & Materials  Mr. Javad Gholipour Baradari, MCASI
Aircraft Design & Development  Dr. Ruxandra Botez, MCASI
Astronautics OPEN
Flight Test & Flight Operations  Mr. Malcolm Imray, MCAS
Human Factors

 Dr. Philippe Doyon-Poulin, MCASI



CASI Journal Editors
 Journal Editors  Incumbent
Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal (CASJ)  Dr. Philip Ferguson, Editor-in-Chief
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing (CJRS)  Dr. Monique Bernier, Editor-in-Chief

CASI Councillors
 Corporate Councillors / Councillors-at-large  Incumbent
Bombardier Aerospace Mr. Enguerran Michel
Canadian Forces – Air Force

 LCol Catherine Marchetti, MCASI

Concordia University  Dr. Catherine Marsden, MCASI
Pratt & Whitney Canada OPEN
Royal Military College of Canada Dr. Harry Kowal, MCASI 
Councillor-at-large (2018-21) OPEN
Councillor-at-large (2018-21)  Dr. Alex Jablonski, AFCASI
Councillor-at-large (2019-22)

 Col. Allen Conrad, MCASI

Councillor-at-large (2019-22)


Councillor-at-large (2020-23)  Mr. Sandy McLeod, MCASI
Councillor-at-large (2020-23)  Mr. Ron Holdway, MCASI

Chair - President

 Dr. Jacques Giroux, MCASI

Chair  Mr. David Muir, FCASI

 Senior Awards  
Chair Col. Allen Conrad, AFCASI

Chair  Mr. Ron Holdway, MCASI

 Strategic Planning  
 Col. Allen Conrad, MCASI

 Student Activities  
Chair  OPEN

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